Joseloff produced more documentaries than we can list. Here, alphabetically, are a select few. 

ARCHEOLOGY          Digging for Clues (Court TV)

BIOGRAPHY             The Google Boys (A&E)

CUBA                        The 20th Century with Mike Wallace: Castro’s Cuba (History Channel)

DNA                          The 20th Century with Mike Wallace: The DNA Revolution (History Channel)

ELECTIONS              Louis Rukeyser’s 1996 Election Guide (PBS)

FORENSICS              Forensic Files (Court TV)

FORD                      FORD:  Rebuilding An American Icon (CNBC)

GULF WAR                The Gulf War Revisited (History Channel)

HOMES                     NextWorld: Future Homes (Discovery)

INFLATION                Inflation: The Fire that Won't Go Out (Syndicated)

JFK                           The JFK Assassination: Investigation Reopened (Court TV) 

MARINES                  U.S. Marines in Beirut 1983 ( The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour)

PRESIDENTS             Interview with President Jimmy Carter (The MacNeil/Lehrer


QUAGGA                    Scientists bring extinct Quagga back to life? (Animal Planet)

RELIGION                  Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (PBS)

SADAT                       Biography: Anwar Sadat (A&E)

TSUNAMI                   Wave of Death: The 2004 Tsunami (History Channel)

UN                             The 20th Century with Mike Wallace: UN Peacekeepers 

                                  (History Channel)

VIETNAM                   The Vietnam War (Educational Film)

WEST POINT              Surviving West Point (National Geographic Channel)